Friday, December 23, 2005

O, Come

Christmastime is the epitome of Life Abundant for me. It's interesting, I always paired abundant life with joyful life. But a couple weeks ago that definition broadened: it is deeper joy, yes. But also deeper sorrow. Life to the full - not just the upside of life. I feel in ways I never did before. Christmas holds such a mix of rejoicing and trembling. The birth of Christ looks ahead to the death of Christ, and the suffering there, as well as the hope.

This evening I went caroling with some folks from church to three homes of elderly Body members. I look at their lives, of 70+ years walking with the Lord, and I'm overwhelmed by God's faithfulness and their faithfulness. Dusty and Ethel are both in their 90's and married. Dusty was part of our church when it was founded. His health is failing quickly, but his faith is steady - his Hope is sure. He said tonight that he'd prayed the Lord would let him see Christmas, and He has. He sat on the couch, his wife's hand between his, as we sang to him of this Holy Night when Jesus was born, calming fears, bringing Light, making a way for His people. We sang of the closeness of Heaven; these loved ones are close. We may all be close - a life is a vapor - but most of us will live for many more years.

For Dusty and Ethel, Duncan and Betty; for Lucy, the journey is nearing its destination. Soon they will be with Jesus, the God we sing of as a babe in a manger. What child is this? He is our King, and He is our God. Fall on your knees and hear the angels' voices: they know who He is, and they worship Him accordingly. By grace, I do as well. Tonight I remember my Savior's birth, and I am awed, overjoyed, and brought to a place of bowed reverence before the Almighty. Not many years ago I would have searched out Jesus to slay him as Herod. Tonight I thank my Lord for loving me anyway, and allowing me to wash His feet with my tears.

O, most Holy night: when Christ, our Savior, was born.


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