Sunday, July 03, 2005

God, You are AMAZING! You are GOD!!

This post may be a bit erratic and disorganized because today was a "blow your mind" kind of day (God doing the mind-blowing, of course), and I'm still - ya know. Jeeped up a wee bit. :)

The play by play (of sorts):

5am - went to crew for Aunt Honi's hot air balloon again, and ended up FLYING!! So very awesome, that was. Those balloons are incredible, just awesome. Watching them inflate and then lift off... A few people came outside to wave and watch us fly over - a couple of little ones, and that was sweet. My ballooning days have come full circle already. :)

Then I went to church. I love church. I love my brothers and sisters, and am always encouraged by fellowship. I love sitting with my mom, who just a year ago wouldn't even come in the building. ha! God, You're awesome! I love partaking of the LORD's supper with her. Singing praises to our Father and Savior. I love singing praises to my God, regardless of my lack of singing ability. :) I love enjoying the music and the words. I love hearing what our Creator has been doing in our lives the past week, and what we're bringing before Him - surrendering to His will. I love that we share each other's joys and sorrows - and that both are always going on. I love that You are a God who listens and wants us to surrender everything to You. I love that You invite us to be part of Your work - what a huge blessing to see Your hands moving and changing lives, and that You're using us as part of that. Wow. Thank You, Father. "That's what I love about Sundays." :)

Then I went to work. I love my job. Actually, I love God, and I love that He's placed me so strategically and given me eyes to notice. I work in the deli at Shaw's Supermarket. It's AWESOME!! Two co-workers in particular I see the LORD drawing to Himself, and I'm so touched (that's not a precise enough word, but suffice it for now) to be an instrument for Him. For my LORD.

I'll give you some background. Please be praying for these people, and for the deli staff in general.

I've been working here just under two weeks.

Paula: about 60, works full time. Quieter, calm. Grandmother. Our first lunch break together, she told me about her "religious fanatic" relative who left a wealthy estate (millions) to Billy Graham and a "petty" few hundred thousand to the family. I told her that at least the Graham ministry is legit and that that money helped a LOT of people in need. She found out I was a Christian later when she asked what I was doing that night, and my answer was "going to prayer meeting at church." I AM one of those fanaticals! haha. A few days later when we worked together again, she said that Billy Graham had been on TV all the nights since we'd had lunch together. yeah. And she was watching.

Today we worked together again. She heard George and me (I'll tell you about him in a sec) talking about the Bible and when he went on break she asked what we were talking about.

Turns out, when Paula was 21, she had a baby girl who had Downsyndrome. Her pastor at the time told her that the baby was born as so because Paula hadn't prayed enough during the pregnancy. man. I asked her about her daughter, and she cried as she told me about the girl's life (she died at 18). I tried to assure her of her pastor's misleading, and of God's goodness. Our fallible human-ness is so evident. Again and again people tell me of gross misleadings by Christian ministers in their lives. Wolves dressed as sheep? or just a moment's stumble? A careless word? Let's remember to pray for our leaders, and for each other. One sick member, and the entire Body is deemed diseased. Almighty God, make and keep us healthy in Your grace and truth!

Dear Lord, I pray I might show Paula Your mercy and love, and that I might continue to share Your truth. She is in Your hands, You know her heart and her life. Your will be done.

George: 18, just graduated high school. Calls himself a "liberal Baptist." Admittedly living in sin with no seeming desire to change. Yet he is passionate about loving people and serving - being a "good person" not for any outward reward, but simply because one ought to be. He has obviously read the Bible. I sense that he wants the peace of Christ, (and he knows cognitively that peace is in Christ), but he has yet to surrender the lusts of the flesh. This is a really cool guy here that God is drawing, also. I'm excited to watch.

So this evening we worked together 1pm to 9:30pm, and talked non-stop (between customers. Praise God it was a slow night). By the end of the night I invited him and his family to church, and he's excited about coming to a body of "authentic believers." It will be awesome to see the transformation when he does surrender all. When his "faith" is beyond cognitive, as the Spirit lives within him. Oh, praise God! With Christ, all things are possible. Again, as always, Your will be done.

Oh! And another cool thing at work today: I sliced some turkey and bologna for a man and then afterward he walked away slightly then turned back and handed me a track and said, "Here's something to read. It's a good message." And I said, "I know this message! Jesus is my Lord and Savior!" I was so excited. Every day, God is evident if we look for Him, but today it's like He was nailing up posters or something. He was everywhere, whether I was looking or not! The man went on shopping, and I decided to share God's work in the deli with him, so I went to find him nearby, and asked him to pray for the deli, and for Paula and George, and thanked him for doing God's work, passing out tracks. It was an encouragement, hugely. You're awesome. Thank You.

And a final note, last night my dad asked my mom to spend their "date night" reading the "church book." (They're reading "9 signs of a healthy church" for their couples' Bible study). Frustrating part: my mom didn't want to. I talked to her about it this morning. Pride: she's learning to reject it, but last night it got the best of her. Growth is a process, don't I know it. Don't we all.

But God is victorious, and every work He has begun will be completed in perfection. That is our steadfast hope and expectation.

In Christ's name, I lift all this up to You, Father. Amen.


At 7/05/2005 2:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...



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