Tuesday, June 21, 2005

To live is Christ, and to die is gain

Yesterday I met with an academic advisor at the College to pick out my classes for the fall. The lineup: Anatomy, English, Spanish, and "Success Strategies."

I can't help but reflect on that word. Success. It even sounds like hissing. Our culture's bowl of lies promises to nourish us to that end - to success - yet leaves us starving (perhaps while gorged). Starving and wasted. Wasted!

Piper's book comes to mind as it often does because there is only one image in all creation, from and for all time, that screams SUCCESS!! and lets us eat and hunger no more:

Christ Crucified.


At 6/22/2005 12:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would seem you understand the difference between the "empty calories" the world offers and the true nourishment of the Word. Such discernment has a value far above mere education. Blessings as your prepare for the things God has planned for you - Eph 2:10


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