Thursday, June 23, 2005

It Takes a Village - thank you much

I know Father's Day was last week, but just today I was overwhelmed with gratitude for the many "fathers" in my life, and especially for my Heavenly Father. So while I'm early for most things (except Sunday school which I frustratedly am five minutes late for way too often - Sorry, Dave) with this post, I am four days late. But I love you all just the same. :)

Abba, Father! Above all others, I thank You and I love You. You are the keeper and sole occupier of my whole heart. Others are dear to me, very dear, but to You alone do I belong, and only You can I not live without. That is as far as I can write - it is a depth beyond words.

'Neath the starry lights I dance among the grasses dancing, too;
Gentle blowing sends them rolling; me, I sway for You.
Cannot speak for words come naught, but movement through my embers burns,
A shouting silence to the world, this Love for Whom I yearn.

My 'fathers.' Such thanks and praise be to God for the men He has placed all around me. Men who are His children, and my brothers for eternity. Thank you for encouragement, accountability, realistic perspective, prayer, insight, teachings, stories, time, leadership, and care. You've shown me the love of Christ time and again - His affection and His chastening, Grace and Truth. Pastor, Wayne, Paul, Mr. Jackson, Dave, and Stu (as years certainly don't determine age - completely - in God's Kingdom), you've all had extensive roles in raising me since I was born again, and not for one second do I take it for granted. The poor boy who chooses to love me forever - he's got a lot of inspections to pass!

And my dad. It's been a journey, and it will continue, I'm sure. I hope. We've gone so long not understanding each other: walking silently in different directions or crashing, but never hand-in-hand down the same drive, with the same destination. It seemed we never would. Yet, today I look and see a man changing. I see coldness and hardness growing warmer and softer. Rigidity becoming tender. Excuses turning into apologies. Where you seemed indifferent, now you are affectionate. What you hated in me, you are accepting. For the first time I look at you, and I'm beginning to recognize who you are. The stranger is fading, and my father stands in his place. I've missed you! Without having known you, I missed you. And I'm so glad you're here.

Heavenly Father, You have claimed him as Your own, I know it. No man seeks after You unless You are drawing him. No man miraculously transforms except by Your hand. Continue Your work, I pray, for Your glory and our joy in that glory. Truly, You are an awesome God, worthy of all praise, now as always, in all circumstances, for all time. Hallelujah to the King of kings! Amen!

Happy Father's Day! :)


At 6/24/2005 12:28 AM, Blogger fisherofmen_matt_4_19 said...

:) well said, strong :)

At 6/24/2005 1:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is a privilege to be among those you have chosen. Wayne
Romans 8:15 For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. [ Or adoption] And by him we cry, "Abba,Father

At 6/24/2005 11:00 PM, Blogger Amanda said...

"I had no choice. God put you in my path." :) (A quote from The Four Feathers)

At 6/29/2005 7:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Attempting to type through eyes that are watering...


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