Saturday, January 07, 2006

Game on!

If there are any Youth Groupies reading this: I love you guys! Man, we have so much fun. Last night we played hockey -

some Amandahistory:

when I was younger I got so intimidated by sports of any kind. In school I hated gym class because there were always those guys who were super athletes and played competitively and didn't really care that it crushed your little girl heart to be made fun of for having no coordination, or for shooting and always missing. :) I mean, I was good at some things (like the gymnastics segment... ok, that's it, really).

My parents and brother worked on teaching me to play catch a bit later. My mom recently admitted that my inability bewildered her... and that it wasn't until my dad made me really angry that I threw the ball at him with accuracy and enough speed for it to reach him. Then I saw that I could indeed throw a baseball, and Heath and I played catch regularly, seeing how long we could go without dropping it.

Oh! This was fun: Dad brought home inner tubes from Truck tires, and Heath would stand on one so that I'd throw the ball way high, and he'd bounce up to catch it.

But anyway, it's so fun to play sports-type games with the Youth Group because I no longer care that my technique isn't the greatest (or anywhere near) - and because the Groupies are so good at playing together. No one is excluded or put down (there's definite joshing around, but it's in love - and everyone knows it). They cheer each other on and challenge each other and it's just an awesome, fun time of being brothers and sisters!


At 1/09/2006 3:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember the first time Jason, my youth leader at that time, decided to play a full-contact game with our PYF group. It resembled football/rugby. I remember I hit him so hard, he declared then and there that he was too old to play full-contact games any more. I think he was about twenty-three at the time. ;)


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