Monday, October 17, 2005

The Eternal Love brings Joy Eternal

"Either protect me now or take me home, LORD. Whatever pleases You best." words prayed by John Paton as a cannibal followed him around the island with a musket aimed and ready. And Paton went about his chores as if the man wasn't there. "I am invincible until Your purpose for me is complete, Father."

Behind the deli counter we hear the store's background music - quite a lot of 80's soft rock mixed with some fun oldies and a rare song-of-the-moment. Sometimes, with the particularly dramatic songs, we speak the lyrics to each other. Like... George feigns girlish pride and announces to Curtis in Seafood, "I'm beautiful, Curtis, no matter what they say. Words can't bring me down!"

A month ago or so a song came on and I spoke along with the singer, "George, would you fight for my honor?" And my wrestler friend replied, "Amanda, I'd kill for your honor," and then proceeded to perform all sorts of wrestler-moves on an invisible being who apparently made the mistake of threatening my honor.

Last night, driving home from a day of missionary testimony and biography and challenge, I heard our song on the radio, and it struck me altogether seriously.

"I am a man who will fight for your honor...
We'll live forever, knowing together that we did it all for the glory of love..."

Am I a woman who fights for Your honor, LORD? Do I do ALL for the glory of Love, which Thou art?

Make me a fighter, LORD. A warrior-princess. Make me courageous, strong, able to endure and persevere. I know that's a dangerous prayer - asking for things which are not gently nor easily won. But I pray it. Whatever it takes, Father: make me Yours.

Your soldiers are fierce, LORD. Compassionate and gentle, but FIERCE. Not weak or feeble, but like iron because they are Yours and abide in You. They are invincible and immortal until Your purpose for them is complete.

That's who I am! That's who we are as Christians. We have a purpose that You created us for, and we are on this earth solely to complete that purpose.

Make me into Your likeness, Jesus. May I look into the mirror of my heart and see Your face more clearly with each moment.

Such joy! This life is one of "joy inexpressible and full of glory!" Because I abide in You and in Your love, with obedience to Your commands, You make my joy full. To live is Christ... life in Christ is joy eternal. Though it costs everything, it is worth the price.

"The things of this world grow strangely dim in light of His glory and grace..."

Readers, do you know the JOY that abounds when "to live is Christ"? Why do you love being one of God's chosen? What is it about this life in Christ that gives you joy, even on the worst days? Or does it not? Are you wondering where the joy is and how to find it?

Please share your thoughts in comments...

The LORD Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Grace be with you. Amen. (2 Tim 4:22)


At 10/17/2005 1:43 PM, Blogger Callmeteem said...

To know that God is with me. To know He will never let me go--to know that I am chosen by the Father and part of His household, not because of my worth but by His choice and held by His worth. I rejoice because it is always a privilege to worship Him.

At 10/17/2005 10:25 PM, Blogger Amanda said...

Amen, brother!! He is SO good - and yes, what a privilege to worship Him.

At 10/18/2005 3:27 PM, Blogger fisherofmen_matt_4_19 said...

to be part of an eternal be loved perfectly by one who is perfect...inseparably...truly does bring incredible joy...our imitation of that love reflects it...and further displays the endless breadth, and width, and height of that love...truly, to quote one of the truest songs ever written...that is a love i could sing of forever...

At 10/18/2005 9:40 PM, Blogger Amanda said...

So sweet to meditate on...

At 10/19/2005 8:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To live is Christ, and to die is gain. How I long to be able to say that with the conviction of Paul. There is no greater joy or privilege.


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