Sunday, October 23, 2005

God's hands in the deli: I slice chicken, He tenderizes hearts

Today I learned that my coworker Dean (age 36, extremely varied personal and professional background) was president of his youth group - he rebelled against his father's making him go to church by being super-involved. Interesting approach.

As an adult, he was "born again for a while" and baptized twice. He says he was sincere at the time, but just doesn't believe it anymore. He didn't know what made the change, and didn't want to talk about it. Doesn't think people should talk about their beliefs and try to convert each other. I said I didn't believe any person could convert another person. He said again, he just didn't want to talk about it. I stopped. He continued. :)

November 9th, David Heddle is giving a talk on Intelligent Design at my church. Dean said he'd like to come.

A few months ago I met Tyrone outside at the break bench. He's 64. We spent the fifteen minutes getting to know each other a bit. I saw him again at the deli a few weeks ago, and he recognized me, though I didn't remember his face. Now he is a regular at the deli, and we always chat a few minutes. Yesterday I saw him at the courtesy desk on my way to break, and we talked a bit. Somehow I ended up telling him about taking correspondence classes through Moody Bible Institute and he asked what I'd be studying. Well, the Bible. He asked what religion? I'm a Christian, non-denominational. I just believe the Bible is the truth... Tyrone had some criticisms of the church and corruption... It's true, lots of churches have lost their foundation... But I've found a church that loves Jesus and teaches right out of the Bible. I invited Tyrone - if he ever wants to go to a solid church, he's welcome.

Pray for these men, please. Pray for Tyrone. Both of his parents have passed away in the last four months. He had lived with them as caregiver for years. So now he's alone. Pray for him as Thanksgiving comes. I would like to invite him to come share it with my family. Pray my family would welcome him.

Tomorrow night I'm sharing my testimony with the ladies at my church. I'm comfortable speaking in front of an audience, but the subject matter is close to my heart, and I always get nervous baring so much. Please pray that I would be received with much grace and encouragement from my sisters. Pray that God would be glorified and would shine as unmistakably Beautiful and Joyful and worthy of all praise, as He is.


At 10/24/2005 3:12 PM, Blogger Callmeteem said...

I am praying for those men. May the chief Shephered restore them.

At 10/24/2005 4:32 PM, Blogger fisherofmen_matt_4_19 said...

hmm...such unique stories for everyone...the enemy working his schemes in their lives...but a real taste of God will pull the veil...that i will request...

At 10/24/2005 6:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will pray for Tyrone and continue to pray for Dean. He's a tough nut to crack, but it sounds like you have made more headway than I have managed. God bless.


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