Friday, February 03, 2006

God's visible work among my school-mates

One downside to the present: I have hardly any time to blog! :) BUT this morning I am at school making up four hours that I missed on Monday (went to a funeral) and my homework is complete, so I can write again! woohoo!

God has been blowing me away as usual... I am continuously amazed at what He can do with such a broken vessel as myself - all to His glory. It seems wherever I go, He places people in my path that simply want to be loved and spoken truthfully to, and He is faithful to love them through me and gently nudge when He wishes to speak through me.

I'd begun a post last week about my clinical instructor, but never had time to finish writing it. :) It's now a bit dated, so I will start over. Each module here at School is only five weeks - not a whole lot of time to really know someone and gain their trust. But God is gracious and able.

My instructor's name is Bethany (please pray for her salvation) and she is a yogi. I never cease to see AWESOME coolness in how God uses our pasts to make us relatable to those He needs us to relate to. See, I was a yogi. And not a wannabe. :) I trained with a woman who was trained by THE yoga guru in the United States (Baron Baptiste). And I attended a weekend conference with #2 guru in the U.S., Rolf Gates (and he gave me a copy of the book he authored on the yoga lifeways). My teachers in NH wanted me to train to be a teacher, also. I loved, and still do, the "meditation in movement" and physical dance of yoga. My heart worships God in movement - I can't really explain it. But when they encouraged me to become a teacher, I began to study the philosophy behind yoga and Hinduism.

My body took to yoga naturally, and my attitude and lifeway - at first glance - appear to mesh with the yogic attitude and lifeway. The pieces of truth in yogic and Hindu thought that I lived before them are Truths in God's Word, and so to their eyes I was a perfect fit. But the thing is, our essences are completely different, and in conflict with each other. A yogi's lifeway is founded in self-awareness and being one with the consciousness of all beings; my lifeway is founded in Jesus Christ and being one with the Father through Him by the power of the Spirit. My lifeway leads to Life eternal; the yogi's leads to death. The resulting evidences have similarities, but the motivating essences are dangerously incompatible.

Within the first few days of classes, Bethany made her beliefs and lifestyle known - sharing with us "profound words" from Buddhist philosophers and contemporary yogis. I wondered how I might eventually speak to her about Jesus, as the people firmly grounded in "good lies" are usually most closed to the truth. She took a liking to me, however: nicknamed me "Sunshine" and appreciated what I added to class discussion. Still, a few weeks went by without any nudging from the Spirit to respond to her favorite quotations, even though they could all either be expounded upon or contradicted by the ever more profound words of our Creator.

Then last week she began to open to us, sharing more personal experiences and asking us our input. She told us about her boyfriend, a man twelve years her senior - also a yogi - and her insecurities and assurances within their relationship. We had a general conversation about relationships and ages within them - about compatible maturity (spiritual and emotional) being of importance more than a number. She asked us if we had boyfriends (we're all women in class - ranging in age from 18 to mid-30's). We actually went around the room sharing. A single 19 year old with a baby, 24 year old beginning a divorce, 20 year old dating a 39 year old "loser - I always date losers," my friend Terry who's 25 and single, a mid-30 year old divorced with a daughter and single, a 30 year old divorced with a son and daughter and with a "significant other," and me.

"I've chosen not to date." I just want to be friends with the men that come into my life, so that we can get to really know each other and trust each other. And if there comes a point where we DO know each other WELL and trust each other and being together forever makes sense, and we love each other romantically, then we'll get married.

I believe that was a bit of a shocker. :) haha. I'm 22 and I've chosen not to have a boyfriend. Ever. It is a bit unusual. And yet, like a good yogi, Bethany accepted that mindset and said, "See, that's why you can't put people in boxes. You never know where they're at in their thinking, and what's right for one person may be completely different from what's right for another." or something like that.

Beth mentioned that she'd taken a couple of years away from dating to sort herself out because she'd kept getting into unhealthy relationships, perhaps similar to the ones my classmates are or have been in. I shared that I'd been learning the importance of knowing my own identity before I become part of a couple so that my husband and I can complement each other rather than rely on each other for completeness. Of course, that identity is in Christ, and only He can complete us. But I didn't share that, yet.

A connection was made in that class. We were no longer just students and a teacher. And I felt a nudging.

After class, I asked Bethany if she'd ever studied with Rolf Gates. I thought that would resonate with her, and it did. She lit up and said excitedly, "See, I knew it! I said to myself (she always talks like this when she's excited about something :) it's cute). I said to myself, 'That Amanda is in a different space.' It all makes sense now." And I said, "You're right, I am in a different space. But I'm not a yogi, I'm a Christian." And I talked about studying yoga and the philosophy and studying the similarities between that and Christianity. But I didn't go into depth. And then I recommended taking class with Rolf if she ever gets the chance because he's an amazing teacher. And it was time to go.

Other conversations followed that class into the cafeteria - with Tracy (the 30-something with a little girl), and Terry (my single 25 yr old friend)... questions that were raised from earlier. There is so much I could share.

Tracy wanted to know more about yoga and my beliefs and how they were similar and different. So I shared. Terry is a believer, but admittedly has walked away from the Lord. I'll write more about her because it's just so amazing. I'm so grateful to be a part of these unfolding stories!

This week, God revealed more to my classmates and Bethany. I will write the continuance in a separate post.

Please keep me in prayer, and those in my life (I know they come and go. This time is so precious.): that God would work mightily, unhindered by any sin on my part. That He would reveal Himself in full truth and with effective grace to save the souls of His own. Thank You, Father, that I may love and teach and share and learn from these women. I am so priviledged and so thankful. May You give Life to my friends and make them my sisters. May You draw Terry back to Yourself and overwhelm her with Love. Oh, Lord, free her from any entanglements and be the only Man she desires. Be enough for her, Jesus. I love these women, Lord, and I want nothing more than for them to love You. Your will be done, as always. I pray in the name of my Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.


At 2/03/2006 12:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's really awesome to hear the work that the Lord is doing through you. Keep up the good work, sis. ;)

At 2/03/2006 6:01 PM, Blogger fisherofmen_matt_4_19 said...

that's definitely intense...stay focused, sis...much fruit may come from all this :)


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