Friday, February 03, 2006

Thanks be to Curtis in Seafood

ok, Curtis. I'll play along. But I'm not tagging anyone. If you, readers, wish to share likewise, feel free to leave your responses in comments.

Four jobs I've had:

1. Letting out and cleaning up after Mrs. Goegle's six terriers when I was 10 - for $1.50 a day. One of them was old - Willie - and I carried him into the yard like a baby. Mrs. G got quite a kick out of that. The early money I saved working for her bought my first pair of pointe shoes for ballet. It took me just under two months.

2. I collected carriages at the grocery store when I turned 16 - my record was 12 carriages at once. I almost lost control of them. haha. That's where I met my highschool boyfriend who was a cashier.

3. I made and sold popcorn (along with sodas and candy) at a movie theater - that was such a fun job. We had only a cash drawer to work out of, so we had to add up the prices in our heads and make change the old fashioned way. :) And get their order together with a smile and an "Enjoy the movie!" I loved it!

4. I worked at St. John Boutique in Manhattan. Cashiering, wrapping gifts with fancy ribbons and bows, answering phones, tracking shipments, placing and receiving orders with other boutiques (they are international, though we only traded sales nationally) over the phone, following up with clients to make sure they were satisfied with their orders... stock checks, serving at the bar to the husbands. :) haha! THAT cracked me up. We served free "perrier" and sodas and champagne. Yes, it was THAT kind of boutique. :) I loved being behind the scenes, making sure everything ran smoothly. And I especially loved working over the phone with other boutiques - they appreciated my obsessive-compulsive tendencies because they knew I'd take care of them well. :)

5. (I know, it only said four) I worked as an assistant teacher in a room full of two year olds for a year and a half. I LOVE TWO YEAR OLDS. And all kiddos, but that age is especially fond to me. They go from toddling babies to complete-sentence-speaking, potty-going little people all within a year. Yes, they learn to say NO! and push all sorts of boundaries, and many go through biting phases, but that's all workable. They're curious and excited and affectionate, and once trained well they follow directions and are... GREAT.

Four movies I could watch over and over:

1. The Four Feathers. I have watched it over and over :) And will continue to.
2. Forrest Gump
3. Amelie
4. Braveheart

Four books I could read over and over:

1. Don't Waste Your Life (John Piper)
2. Passion and Purity (Elisabeth Elliot)
3. Ender's Game
4. Currently reading over and over: 1Peter

Four places I have lived: (I guess four must be THE number)

1. New Hampshire (I grew up here, and now live here again)
2. Bronx, NY (after high school, I lived in the Belmont neighborhood for a year)
3. Langley, British Columbia, Canada (I went to Trinity Western University for Fall semester, 2003)
4. I've spent summers at dance schools in Carlisle, Pennsylvania; Torrington, Connecticut; Durham, North Carolina.

Four places I've been on vacation:

1. Granby, Colorado (my roommate from TWU, Stacy, lived there. She's now married in B.C.) My dormies roadtripped down for spring break, and I flew out to meet them.
2. Colton, Oregon; drove to Vancouver, B.C. (flew out to stay with my sister Karissa and her fam, and then drove to Stacy's wedding)
3. Went to Disney World in Orlando when I was 10.
4. Oh! Washington, D.C. when I was 14. That was SO awesome. I loved that city. I love architecture and history, and parks. I remember lots of tulips. :)

Four favorite foods:

Only FOUR??! :) I love food. Good, healthy food, that is. Well, and ice cream. :)

1. lasagna (with spinach mixed into the ricotta, and sauteed veggies in the sauce. Lots of garlic. Whole wheat noodles. mmmm
2. Homemade bread, fresh out of the oven
3. Ice cream, of course. Mint chocolate chip. I recently discovered Turkey Hill frozen yogurt. SO GOOD!
4. chai tea with milk and honey

Four places I'd like to be:

1. Home with my Lord - FOREVER!! Are you coming today, Lord?
2. In Thailand with Karissa
3. In Chicago with Luke
5. In Abbotsford with Stacy - seeing her about to have her first baby! (she's eight months pregnant :) ) And stay there to help her for a few months.
6. In Pasadena with Julie and James (my roommate in da Bronx and her awesome husband)
7. you know, I am glad to be right where I am. I miss all my friends far away, but God has me HERE, and He is using me here. I love my church family here and my new friends and my family with all our differences... I am excited for where God may take me (though I have no idea where!), but that will come in time. Truly, what better place to be than where our Sovereign, Loving Father has brought us.

That's all I have to say about that.


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