Today the clouds finally gave way after about two weeks of dreariness and rain which flooded the region as it hadn't been flooded in seventy years. School cancelled for the week; so enjoyable, the spare time.
I love home life. It is simple, and gives such satisfaction. This morning I drove home from my mom's house (we spend Wednesday nights together after prayer meeting), pinned up my shower-wet hair, and sauteed the chicken I'd rested in marinade the day before. Cooked and cooled, it mixed into a salad of greens, colorful peppers sweet and hot, carrots, mushrooms, onions, cucumbers, walnuts, and dried cherries. So fresh and delicious and perfectly suited to a hot, sunny day.
Mid-morning I headed into the garage to figure out the lawnmower - after so much rain the grass had junglified and brought to mind the story of "The Indian in the Cupboard." What a treat to find a lawnmower that functions without tricks! The ones my family had always came from the dump and inevitably had some MickeyMousing going on to start it or keep it going... Or else they were just temperamental and would mow when
they were so inclined. :)
So I mowed and raked and weeded a little with only one glitch, really - the dogs escaped the gate; but Daisy turned back at the sound of "Cookie," and Jake doesn't have it in him to run away solo. He's definitely the brains, but Daisy carries all the gumption. It's a good thing, too, because while I don't love the animals I do love Marge, and she would have been devastated to lose them.
My dear sister in Christ called just after noon and we chatted and prayed together. What a sweet, loving heart - such an encouragement to me and many others. She was meeting with her friend Jenny this afternoon; been sharing her faith little by little as they've grown closer and today she invited her over with the intent of fully presenting the gospel. Cindi's heart just beems with the desire for her loved ones to know how He loves - I so look forward to hearing about the conversation.
I closed the deli tonight with my friend and brother in Christ, Curtis - he has finished his first year of art school and so is back to working week nights. :) Good to have you around again, bro.
We went for a walk after work to a waterfall out in the woods where the water is usually just on the rough side of mild in most parts, but after the recent weather, it rages. And the waterline on the rocks spake of even higher waters earlier in the week. Quite amazing: it's just water flowing, but there is such power.
With parting clouds comes visibility of stars again, also. I hadn't realized how much I've missed them.
There are two weeks left to this current term at school, and then I will be half-way through the academic portion of my training. At the finish of next week - Memorial Day weekend- I head to Chicago to visit my brother Luke and meet his family for his little brother's graduation.
My family needs prayer - repentance and newness of life for all. Restoration.
My brother in the faith, Andy, is getting married, and he and his wife are looking for jobs and an apartment in the area so they can grow in and minister to our home church here. It would be so awesome to have Beth and him nearby. So awesome.
Tonight I gave Sharon my first Bible. Continue to hold her up in prayer.
There is a change in my brother Heath (my biological brother who is not a believer) that I can't quite articulate - keep him in prayer, also.
I have a new co-worker named Jason whom I met Tuesday night - oy. He is like so many of the men I deal with over the counter - the last thing I want to deal with behind the counter. But I did share my faith with him, and I suppose if an interest in me gives opportunity for an interest in my God, then I shall submit to it and pray for God's effectual grace to break and reconcile his heart.
Please pray also for Paul, a brand new believer at my church - he was given saving grace on Sunday, and he is being discipled right away which is so good.
One of the men at my church saw two of the prisoners he ministers to accept the Lord this week, as well. These are three lives among many others across the globe that are Living for the first time - pray they grow deeply and firmly in the Rock of their salvation. It is likely a rough and rocky road ahead - but it heads straight for the hilltops. :) I forget who penned that.
May all we brethren persevere unto That Day. Praise God: for His name's sake, He will make sure we do!