Today I purchased my first grown-up outfit. I'm going to a job fair for healthcare professionals tomorrow. I admit, as I tried on variations of black pumps, I felt as though I crossed a threshhold. This was far more of a milestone than turning 21, or 23 for that matter. As I chatted with the cashier, I couldn't help but divulge the surprising hugeness: "This is my first pair of high-heeled shoes. I mean, not first high-heels, but first REAL, WOMAN shoes." :)
I visited the Monday night deli crew for the first time as a non-employee. Craig, Jason, George, and Mario. And Ben, but he's not in the deli. I love these guys. SO much. We had spent every (just about) Monday night together in the craziness of Monday-night-grocery-shopping-madness (why does everyone go on monday?) for over a year. They are my boys. My brothers. They love me just the way I am. Friends like that are priceless. And so I am reinvigorated by having spent time with them this evening.
Derek is the new friend I wrote about last time I blogged. It was funny - we watched a movie the other night and were totally laughing at completely different parts, and none of the same ones, except for the very last scene. Wednesday we're going for Indian with his friend Evan, and then all to a homegroup - a Bible study/fellowship thing.
I'm glad medical assistants wear scrubs; I couldn't wear grown-up shoes everyday.
I am in the process of finding an externship for the beginning of December.
The coffeeshop is awesome - relationships beginning to sweeten with regulars and another Jason whom I work with every Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday.
Heath and I played cards the other night - we're both terrible and completely went hysterical laughing at ourselves and each other. part of me wonders what the alcohol is doing to his brain, though. He seems to react (even sober) way more slowly than I remember. Damage is done. It's sad.
I need to go to bed. There's a little bit of what's happening lately.